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Most Common Job Interview Questions

Here are some common job interview questions and their suggested responses:

Prepare your responses. One way to help minimize interview stress is to be prepared to field some of the more common questions that interviewers like to ask.

Tell me about yourself.
Prepare a short summary of your education, personal strengths, hobbies, work history and recent career experience.

What do you know about our organisation?
Research thoroughly the company’s products, services, reputation, culture, missions and goals.

Why do you want to work for us?
Your answer should reflect your desire to contribute to the company.

Why are you leaving your present position? This question must be answered briefly but positively.

Why should we hire you? Talk about your record of getting things done in areas which relate directly to the most pressing needs in the department and organisation.

What do you look for in a job? The interviewer wants to know if there is a good fit between your skills and interests and the job.

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. What were the results of that decision? To answer this question, choose a decision that was indeed difficult and challenging.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? It is best to start by saying that your immediate goal is to perform excellently in the position at hand...

To Learn more, visit our Job Interview Tips page.

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